
class SpecificEventListener(    var loaded: EventInteractor.SpecificEventListener.LoadedListener? = null,     var desiredRingChanged: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     var ringEnqueuedForLoading: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     var downloadProgress: Consumer<DownloadProgress>? = null,     var ringPrefabLoaded: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     var ringPrefabLoadFailed: Consumer<RingLoadingFailure>? = null,     var displayedRingChanged: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     var unusedRingUnloaded: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     var tfModelsUpdateCheckpoint: Consumer<TfModelsUpdateCheckpoint>? = null,     var handDetectorReplaced: Consumer<HandDetectorReplacedEvent>? = null,     var ringReplacementFailed: Consumer<Ring>? = null)

Contains all specific event listeners such as desiredRingChanged, downloadProgress etc.


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fun SpecificEventListener(    loaded: EventInteractor.SpecificEventListener.LoadedListener? = null,     desiredRingChanged: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     ringEnqueuedForLoading: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     downloadProgress: Consumer<DownloadProgress>? = null,     ringPrefabLoaded: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     ringPrefabLoadFailed: Consumer<RingLoadingFailure>? = null,     displayedRingChanged: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     unusedRingUnloaded: Consumer<Ring>? = null,     tfModelsUpdateCheckpoint: Consumer<TfModelsUpdateCheckpoint>? = null,     handDetectorReplaced: Consumer<HandDetectorReplacedEvent>? = null,     ringReplacementFailed: Consumer<Ring>? = null)


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fun interface LoadedListener

Interface definition for a callback that will be invoked when UnityPlayer has loaded the scene and is ready to receive the messages


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var desiredRingChanged: Consumer<Ring>? = null

Called once AR Scene has recognized a request to display another ring.

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var displayedRingChanged: Consumer<Ring>? = null

Called when the ring visible to the user gets replaced with another one.

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var downloadProgress: Consumer<DownloadProgress>? = null

Called regularly while there are active download operation in progress and once more when any of them get finished.

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var handDetectorReplaced: Consumer<HandDetectorReplacedEvent>? = null

Called when a new HandDetector becomes active. Try-on functionality should start working at this point.

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var loaded: EventInteractor.SpecificEventListener.LoadedListener? = null

Called once UnityPlayer has loaded the scene and is ready to receive the messages.

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var ringEnqueuedForLoading: Consumer<Ring>? = null

Called once a ring has been enqueued for loading.

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var ringPrefabLoaded: Consumer<Ring>? = null

Called once ring prefab was successfully loaded from the corresponding asset bundle.

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var ringPrefabLoadFailed: Consumer<RingLoadingFailure>? = null

Called if an attempt to load a prefab from the asset bundle has failed.

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var ringReplacementFailed: Consumer<Ring>? = null

Called when ring failed to be replaced.

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var tfModelsUpdateCheckpoint: Consumer<TfModelsUpdateCheckpoint>? = null

Called when neural network files have been loaded or when the app fails to do so.

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var unusedRingUnloaded: Consumer<Ring>? = null

Called when some ring (unseen by user for some time) gets unloaded from RAM.